How to Inspire and Engage Others to Achieve a BIG Vision with Todd Hauptli, President and CEO of AAAE

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Todd Hauptli is fond of saying, “Great people aligned around a common vision committed to excellence can achieve amazing results.” That sounds super inspiring, yet how do we do it? That is exactly what we get into in this episode.

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Inspiring Stories of Those Demonstrating The Courage of a Leader

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In over 2 decades of developing leaders at all levels, I’ve noticed that whenever I have been inspired or impressed by a leader, that leader was demonstrating personal courage. They were doing the internal work in order to be able to create amazing results out in the world. In this episode, I tell you some of those stories of when I was inspired and impressed.

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The Trait All Courageous Leaders Have in Common

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Before we start hearing from my amazing podcast guests, I do want to let you know that there is a trait that all courageous leaders have in common. I have validated this through my decades of work with leaders and the interviews I conducted for The Courage of a Leader book. In this episode, I tell you the trait that all successful leaders achieving extraordinary results have in common.

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