The Courage of a Leader®: How to Inspire, Engage, and Get Extraordinary Results

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The Courage of a Leader®:
How to Inspire, Engage, and Get Extraordinary Results

Our world, right now, needs leaders who know how to inspire, engage and get extraordinary results. Leaders who do so, consistently demonstrate courage in four distinct ways. They uncover and share their authentic selves. They say what needs to be said. They declare their leadership legacy and trust the guidance it provides. They are bold and create the extraordinary.

Amy L. Riley, with over two decades of experience developing leaders at all levels, describes these endeavors as The Courage of a Leader® Four Pillars. In her #1 international best-selling book, she breaks down the pillars and gives easy-to-understand explanations and real examples from powerful leaders. She shares the outlook, frameworks and tools needed to be a courageous leader who inspires and gets extraordinary results.

Available in Kindle, paperback, hard cover and audiobook versions!

Quotes, insights and stories from the following expert executives possessing The Courage of a Leader® are included in the book:

  • The Courage of a Leader®: The Power of a Leadership Legacy
  • The Courage of a Leader®: Create a Competitive Advantage with Sustainable, Results-Producing Cross-System Collaboration
  • The Courage of a Leader®: Accelerate Trust with Your Team, Customers and Community